Map of psychologists
This map contains all relevant information about available specialists and initiatives working in the field of mental health. Including Ukrainian psychologists and psychotherapists, for adults and children. See our list of tips get help before seeing your general practitioner.
If you are a Ukrainian psychologist, you already work in the Netherlands and want to be the map - fill out the form at the link
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How to use the map
See the list of our advice Psychological help before contacting a family doctor. Place the cursor on the object on the map and get the information you are interested in.
Yellow color - an adult psychologist
Specialists work with adults.
Orange - children and adults
Specialists work with all age groups.
Green mark - children under 18 years old
Specialists work with children up to 18 years old, including teenagers.
Map of psychologists
If you want to join the map of psychologists, fill out the form and we will contact you
Map of psychologists
If you want to join the map of psychologists, fill out the form and we will contact you